Fragrance Haven - E-Commerce Web Application


Fragrance Haven - E-Commerce Web Application

.Net Core 7 / React / Tailwind.css


An advanced e-commerce platform offering a seamless shopping experience for users and comprehensive management tools for administrators. Key features include user registration, secure login, product browsing and interaction, admin dashboard for product and transaction management, and detailed analytics. The platform is fully responsive, ensuring optimal usability across devices.
The application leverages modern technologies to ensure a seamless user experience. React powers the frontend, providing flexibility and efficiency in building dynamic interfaces, while Tailwind CSS facilitates rapid development and customization of the UI. On the backend, .NET Core 7 and ASP.NET Core offer a solid foundation for building scalable and reliable applications, with features such as asynchronous programming and RESTful APIs.
The deployment process involves Dockerization of the API server built with .NET Core, followed by deployment to, a cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider. The React frontend application is built, optimized, and hosted on Vercel, a cloud platform optimized for static sites and serverless functions. This deployment strategy ensures efficient deployment of both backend and frontend components, with automatic updates triggered by changes in the respective codebases.
Testers can either register for a new account or click on Admin Test or User Test button on the sign in page


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